
viernes, 24 de julio de 2015

Las reediciones de Discovery y TKF a la vuelta de la esquina

Eso parece, Mike Oldfield desde su cuenta de facebook nos regala una buena noticia para los que llevamos esperando mucho éstas reediciones:

Hello everyone.
Thanks so much for all your posts.
I hope to have news and artwork very soon about the upcoming Discovery and Killing Fields re releases. I can tell you that the " Suite 1984 " will have some interesting surprises such as a Halloween special re mix....
More to come very soon.
Love Mike

Ese 'Suite 1984' nos tiene a todos intrigados, al parecer llevará un remix a lo Halloween? Podemos esperar que se lance entonces para octubre/noviembe? de ser así el mes que viene deberíamos saber todo sobre las nuevas reediciones. Estaremos atentos.

Por otro lado, Oldfield ha querido detallar lo que ya sabíamos desde hace unas semanas:

Just to let you know that Caroline Monk is moving on to new things in her life and will not be the main Admin of this group any more. I would like to thank her so very much for establishing this group three or so years ago and making it into the wonderful group it is today.
Please send all your best wishes and thanks to CAROLINE !!!

La propia Carolina ha "desmentido" las palabras de Oldfield del siguiente modo:

Thanks for all your wonderful comments. No I am not abandoning a sinking ship. And I am not going off to do new things in my life. I am simply not needed anymore... Sad but true. You guys have been amazing and thanks for joining the group and please stick with it. I am sure some amazing music will come in the future. Goodbye and thanks again for being so lovely xxx

Ya cada cual puede pensar lo que quiera, pero desde luego a muchos fans no nos ha gustado sus palabras contradictorias.

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